Find Lost Pets
Your Guide to Reuniting With Your Beloved Companion
Detroit Animal Care & Control does not report to the police or to immigration control. Don’t hesitate to come claim your pet!
It’s always distressing when pets are lost, but there are several steps you can take to increase your chances of finding yours. Pets are often found days, weeks, or even months after going missing, so keep searching and don't lose hope. The more people who know, the higher the chances of someone spotting and recognizing your pet. When you give descriptions of your pet, be sure to include:
A good picture of your pet’s face
Whether your pet is male or female
Whether your pet is intact or spayed/neutered (“fixed” or not)
Date and location where your pet was last seen
Any identifying colors, features, markings, collars, and/or tags
Instructions for contacting you
How to Find Your Pet
Start searching your neighborhood, parks, and nearby areas immediately. Pets often don't wander too far from home, especially if they're scared. Bring along your pet's favorite treats or toys to lure them out if they are nearby but hiding.
If your pet has a microchip, make sure the contact information registered to the microchip is up to date. That way, if your pet is found and scanned, the finders will be able to notify you.
Post on social media platforms, local community groups, and lost pet websites.
@lostandfoundpetsdetroitlist is a wonderful compilation of all the different places you can and should post and look for your lost pet.
24petconnect.com has an inventory of Detroit Animal Care & Control (DACC) dogs and cats. Check every day. Select “Lost my pet” and then “Lost Pet Notice” to post.
Lost and Found Pets Detroit Facebook group Posting here counts as reporting to Detroit Animal Care & Control (DACC), our municipal animal shelter and a likely place that people will post found pets.
Nextdoor is a neighborhood-based social media app where people often post lost and found pets. Post your pet with pictures and basic information like, sex, age, weight, whether or not they are spayed/neutered, and unique features. Check often to see if anybody has posted your pet as a found pet.
For the Love of Louie *Michigan Lost Pet Lookers* Facebook group is also a well-known hub for people who have lost and found pets. Be sure to follow their instructions for posting.
Come to the Detroit Animal Care & Control shelter to look for your pet every three days. We are located at 1431 East Ferry St in Detroit. We are open every day 10:30am to 3:30pm. Unfortunately, we are unable to help you over the phone.
Also check shelters and rescues in surrounding cities and counties. Pets can roam far away or be picked up and taken there by people visiting the city.
Create eye-catching flyers with a clear photo of your pet and your contact information.
Distribute these flyers in your neighborhood, local stores, vet clinics, animal shelters/rescues and community centers.
Offer a reward (if possible) to incentivize people to keep an eye out for your pet.
You can submit a Lost Pet Notice and create a Lost Pet Flyer for free at 24PetConnect. Select “Lost my Pet”.
Most finders will require proof that the pet belongs to you, such as photos and vet records. To claim your pet at DACC, you must have:
Your state or City of Detroit I.D.
Proof that the pet belongs to you, such as photos and vet records
Below are all the pets currently in the care of DACC.
Click the Filter button to change sort and filter options.
Breed designations are best guesses. It is not recommended to sort or filter by breed.
If you find your pet here:
Note the Animal ID.
Come to Detroit Animal Care & Control at 1431 East Ferry St any day of the week between 10:30am and 3:30pm to claim your pet.
Bring your ID and proof of ownership, such as photos and/or invoices from a veterinarian.
Stray pets are held for 4 days, so come quickly.
Please do not call - shelter staff are unable to help you over the phone.
If you don’t see your pet here, don’t give up hope! Pets can turn up days, weeks, and even months after they are lost. Check every day. Also, go to the 24PetConnect website to search all local participating shelters/rescues.
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